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Congrats to the team behind “Message Everywhere” for officially winning the first ever bounty via the Problemattic platform. They satisfied all the acceptance criteria of the fully-funded “Bridge the Gap” bounty yesterday on the final day of the deadline making history as the first team in the three year history of the platform to successfully win a bounty. You can find the project now available in the Bubble Marketplace as the Message Everywhere CRM template.  Props to our esteemed judges from Xprize, Hult Prize, Pagely and Canopy City who asked great questions and made this a special experience. And congrats to the team for their accomplishment and their presentations yesterday on the call. You can find the full recording of the jury review and award ceremony below:

A special shoutout to Tonya of ProNoCoders who stubbed out the initial codebase for the project and has provided weekly ongoing office hours support that was essential to helping the team through its challenges. If you’re looking to get into Bubble development check out their Nocode School offering as a fantastic way to come up to speed on getting effective with it. Prior to this project the team that built this system had zero Bubble experience and were able to come up to speed and build a production piece of software thanks to Tonya’s school and office hours offering.

Thank you Jeff Boles for being customer #1 of the product and for your leadership via Creighton Community Foundation in sculpting its evolution and putting it to work for your community.

Lastly I want to thank anonymous donor Chris V for seeing the vision here and taking a chance on this whole idea and being our first philanthropic bounty funder for Problemattic. Your generous donation is not only already serving the thousands of people in central Phoenix via Creighton’s usage of this software but it has effectively infinite leverage with the open sourced Message Everywhere template in the Bubble marketplace being available to any community organization that wishes to use it for serving their stakeholders.

I gave a short history lesson at the beginning of the call but very briefly, Problemattic is the evolution of a project I started way back in 2013 called “Charity Makeover” that has morphed into what you see today. The grand vision is that we have all the people and resources necessary to attack and mitigate seemingly-insurmountable societal issues if only we can activate the talent that currently lies dormant in knowledge workers around the world. This becomes possible once we have the right set of incentives and coordination tooling. Problemattic is the first movement of its kind aimed at coordinating passionate people in pursuit of solving wicked problems. Problemattic is customer #1 of the Stone Soup Protocol which now powers Open Startup, Nocode Lisboa and provides a member hub to other organizations like 351 Portuguese Startups and Polylogue Lightning Talks.

Whether you have more time than money or more money that time, we welcome you to get involved in the Problemattic ecosystem. Tell us your story and find your fit in the Problemattic movement.

Thanks for reading. Could you answer a few questions below? This is incredibly helpful for understanding my readers and helps me create better content. thanks so much. -Sean

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I'm Sean, founder of the Stone Soup Protocol and author of this blog. I write about useful ideas & techniques at the intersection of nocode, automation, open source, community building and AI and I make these accessible & actionable for non-technical folks. If you'd like to get a periodic roll-up summary from me, add yourself below. 

Great. I'll keep you in the loop! -Sean

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